

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Decade!!

Ten years ago today I went to lunch at the Station House Grille with my friend Callie, her husband Robert, and met Brad for the first time.  I had gotten a cute new outfit to wear, had painted my nails red the night before, and had rolled my hair that morning.  Brad stood outside the restaurant waiting on us, and shook my hand and introduced himself when we arrived.  We talked and laughed with Callie and Robert over lunch about family, church, and some of Robert and Brad's "adventures".  I had Cajun Chicken Salad; he ate a hamburger steak.  He took Callie and I back to work in his shiny charcoal gray Silverado, that still had the new car scent lingering in the air.  He told me he enjoyed lunch, and maybe we could do it again sometime. 

And, that was that.

I had no clue going to lunch that day a new chapter of my life would begin.  Brad says he knew the INSTANT he laid eyes on me he would marry me...I took a little more convincing ;) 
(This was just a couple months after we started dating)

Our 2 years of dating were SO MUCH FUN - trips to Atlanta to visit Valerie and Rob, Auburn games, days on the lake, late night phone calls, dreaming big about our future, learning about each other, and falling in love.  Oh, how very carefree the days were!!  Our 8 years of marriage have been a learning experience (FOR SURE!!), and is nothing like I ever thought it would be...but, how thankful I am that the Lord has given us every single experience to make us who we are today!! 

I can not believe we have been together 10 YEARS - a whole DECADE!!!  Man, Brad is getting O-L-D!!! HA!

I love you, Bradley...thank you for loving me, believing in me, praying for me, laughing with me, and sharing this life with me for the past 10 years!!!  You're my favorite :)

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