

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"I'm Thankful For" - 2nd Edition

Today, I'm feeling a little patriotic.

Today is Veteran's Day - the day our country honors all the many men and women who have served our country fighting for our protection, fighting for our freedom - fighting for me and you!

So, I'm thankful for...my country and our military!

I'm thankful that I have the privilege to live in America - the land of the free - and for the men and women who fight everyday for that privilege. We are a very blessed nation, and I do not take that for granted!
But, considering this is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving in observance of the very first Thanksgiving, I can't help but think about our founding fathers as well. America was founded on the purpose of religious freedom. How thankful I am to be able to worship my Lord and Savior in the way I feel led, and am able to be apart of the church I choose to be!!
So, what are you thankful for today?

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