

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today's the Day

We have been in anticipation of this day for weeks now, and I can't believe it's already here.

I'm used to Brad traveling - that's part of his job. It's not unusual for him to be in Ohio or Michigan, Canada, or even Tennessee... but, JAPAN??? Half way across the world??
Our alarm clock(s) started going off at 3:00 a.m. this morning. Three alarm clocks to be exact because we aren't the jump-up-out-of-the-bed kind. We're the hit-the-snooze-button-ten-times-before-considering-getting-up kind. So, we need a little extra ear piercing buzzing and ringing for motivation.

Brad finally rolled out of bed, and before I knew it he was ready to go. Of course it took me the majority of the time he was getting ready to get my crutches and hobble into the living room! Our last few minutes together were typical - him reminding me of things to make sure and take care of (as if I had already forgotten), me reminding him to call me as soon as he landed (as if he wouldn't), praying, "I love you's" exchanged, the last kiss, the last embrace.

Every time Brad goes on a trip, I'm reminded how much I HATE goodbyes, and how much I completely LOVE him. He's my rock, and when he's not with me...things are just not complete. He can DRIVE ME CRAZY faster and more easily than anyone else, and make me so MAD I wonder how on earth I love him so much - but I do.

Brad will be gone for almost a month. He will spend a few days in Korea, then China, and then will be in Japan for the majority of his trip. I'm excited because our church family gave us Web Cams for our birthdays, and they will definitely come in handy during his trip. Due to the time zone changes, Brad will be 15 hours ahead of time here. So, we plan to Skype early in the morning before I go to work, and then hopefully in the afternoons when I get home (mind you, this schedule will be once I'm able to go back to work. Until then, I will be setting my alarm clock at 5 a.m. just to get up and talk to my dearest.) Cell phone charges will be very expensive, so Skype will be our main form of communication - but, we'll actually get to see one another so that will be awesome!

Please keep us in your prayers. Pray for safe travel for Brad, and pray for me as my ankle continues to heal and get stronger. Brad promised to send me pictures regularly, so I will keep you up to date of where he is and what he's up to.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am glad you love Chuck too and that's great to hear about "Casey"! I hope your husband has a great trip. A month apart will be tough, I'm sure.
