

Monday, November 14, 2011


Today, I'm thankful for my music that I love so very much!!   I have not been able to listen to the radio in my car the past few days because I had to have a new battery, and as a theft protection measure, my car "reset" and locked my radio until I put in the code to unlock (and, apparently, said code is supposed to be in the manual for my car...but, it's not...so, having to take a little longer path to get my tunes up and going!) Anyway, the past few days have been sooooo l-o-n-g driving to work and back with no music!!  I had the idea to turn on my iTunes from my cell phone today, and AH!  Finally, some music!!  Music is such an outlet for me - when I'm stressed, upset, happy - it just speaks to my heart.  It's like an old friend that knows me all too well!  It makes me SO HAPPY to just rock out and sing at the top of my lungs!

Christmas 2009

Besides, music is just in my blood I guess.  I don't remember a single Christmas (or most any family get-togethers for that matter) that there were not instruments playing or someone singing somewhere around...

Cole and Nichole at BBB

The world would no doubt be a very quiet, sad place without music!

Are you a music lover?

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